James Peris: No Licence Nor Control walkthrough
About this walkthrough
This is a complete walkthrough for James Peris: No Licence Nor Control.
Using this walkthrough will get you through the game with the least amount of time and wandering around, but may spoil the game and fun of exploring.
Items which can be picked up as inventory items and items which can be constructed by combining or using other items are written with bold text for emphasis.
- Watch the opening scene.
- When James Peris becomes playable, try to interact with any hotspot.
- Watch cutscenes and title sequence.
James Peris' home
- Use phone to answer it.
- Pick up TV.
- Look filth in the sink.
- Try to pick up filth in the sink.
- Try to open cabinet.
- Go to the bedroom in the back.
- Pick up Pache-Q plush.
- Rummage under the bed to find a magazine and a hanger.
- Look glass on the shelf by the bed.
- Return to the other room.
- Use hanger with filth in the sink to get filth with something.
- Look filth with something to get a key and filth.
- Use key with cabinet to get a handle and bird food.
- Use Pache-Q plush with fish tank.
- Pick up Pache-Q plush.
- Leave the apartment and go to the corridor.
- Look lock.
- Use lock.
- Hit neighbor's door or use bell.
- Talk about everything, but especially combination lock.
- The goal here is to answer questions about Peris' apartment, how many things there are inside. Go back inside to study the apartment, if you don't remember. If you can't figure it out, the correct numbers are two faucets, five months, three doors, two curtains, three drawers.
- Use handle with window after you automatically open the lock.
- Open window, you will automatically get secret agent guide and be transported to a desert.
- Try to open door.
- Use button.
- Look secret agent guide to get secret agent card.
- Try to use secret agent card with slot in the cactus.
- Use bird food with satellite dish.
- Use Pache-Q plush with cactus.
- Pick up Pache-Q plush.
- Use secret agent card with slot.
- Talk to Pache-Q about everything. In the end of the conversation you will get a choice whether to carry secret agent guide in the inventory or not. Basically it means a hintbook and some puzzles are a bit easier. Whatever you choose, will be final, there's no way to change it later on. You will also receive size-gun, watch, remote control, and gun automatically.
- Use size-gun on Pache-Q.
- Try to pick up car.
- Talk to Salador about everything. Try to sweet talk him into installing the software needed. If you can't figure it out, the correct dialogue choices are: "I understand, Pache-Q is getting up my nose.", "It's like downloading Spidermall with the bittorrent, and you've actually downloaded a bad porn movie.", "...take a break.", "What if I substitute you?", "If you install the software I'll tell Pache-Q and he will accept."
- Go outside.
- Use gun with crow.
- Go back inside.
- Try to pick up pot.
- Use filth with pot.
- Pick up pot.
- Go outside.
- Use size-gun with pot to get big pan.
- Use hanger with big pan to get home-made satellite dish.
- Use home-made satellite dish with broken satellite dish.
- Go back inside.
- Talk to Salador.
- Talk to Pache-Q.
- Try to push misterious button.
- Talk to Newman about everything.
- Use magazine with Newman.
- Push misterious button.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Talk to Queen's guards about everything, especially about twins for extra points.
- Use size-gun with Queen's guards.
- Use size-gun with car.
- Enter Café Rock.
- Talk to Mr. Big-ears about everything.
- Walk right towards bar.
- Talk to bartender. Keep talking and trying to pick her up until she has enough of it and gives you vodka. If you can't figure it out, choose the following dialogue options: "Do you have a boyfriend?", "That means you're now free, isn't it?", "You know I'm a secret agent...", "Do I have a chance?", "Because I've got nothing to get drunk".
- Go back to the street.
- Go left past Expensive Hotel.
- Talk to worker about everything, keep asking "What's that hole?" to go through all answers.
- Pick up stick from the pile of ground.
- Go back to the street.
- Try to go to the shady alley next to Café Rock.
- Go to the shady alley again. This time, immediately after you enter the area, use gun with the criminal.
- Touch dead.
- Touch streetlight.
- Use vomit.
- Search through trash to get wrinkled CD.
- Search through trash to get rotten doughnut.
- Look window.
- Enter Cyber Pizza.
- Pick up children's menu.
- Look children's menu to get wind-up turkey.
- Look poster.
- Try to pick up poster.
- Talk to pizza man about everything, especially the spelling error for extra points.
- Change your wind-up turkey for other children's toys, go through them all until you have the turkey back again.
- Try to pick up cockroach.
- Use stick with rotten doughnut to get doughnut on a stick.
- Use doughnut on a stick with cockroach to get doughnut on a stick with cockroaches.
- Go back to the street.
- Enter Café Rock.
- Use doughnut on a stick with cockroaches with Mr. Big-ears.
- Pick up card to get telephone card.
- Pick up cup to get coffee.
- Pick up sugar.
- Go back to the street.
- Use coffee with Queen's guards.
- Use sugar with coffee to get coffee with sugar.
- Use coffee with sugar with Queen's guards.
- Go to the construction site with the worker.
- Talk to worker about a man wearing a black suit with a bow tie.
- Hit door.
- Talk to foreman about everything.
- Go back to the street.
- Talk to Queen's guards about "The man you told me wasn't the one I was looking for".
- Go to the construction site with the worker.
- Talk to worker, ask "Can I have your sandwich?", and then try to find out what he would trade it for by going through different options.
- Go back to Cyber Pizza.
- Change the wind-up turkey for harmonica.
- Go to the construction site with the worker.
- Use harmonica with worker.
- Go back to the street.
- Go back to the construction site.
- Look note.
- Try to steal something from toolbox.
- Use watch with toolbox.
- Steal something from toolbox to get sandwich.
- Steal something from toolbox to get spatula.
- Steal something from toolbox to get screwdriver.
- Steal something from toolbox to get flashlight.
- Go back to the street.
- Use sandwich with Queen's guards.
- Enter Expensive Hotel.
- Talk to William about everything, especially about reserving room.
- Go back to the street.
- Enter the telephone box.
- Use telephone card with slot for cards.
- Use phone. Phone the hotel. Reserve a room.
- Use phone. Phone Pache-Q. Talk about everything.
- Use phone. Phone the Café Rock. Tell bartender that you are Bernard and want to meet her in the hotel room 69.
- Use phone. Phone Pavo Entertainment. Talk about everything.
- Go back to the street.
- Enter Expensive Hotel.
- Talk to William about reserved room.
- When William goes to talk with the management, talk to Mary about massage. Then talk to Mary about reserved room. When she goes to check it out quickly pull page of the calendar.
- Talk to William about reserved room.
- Go upstairs to your room.
- Look grille in the room.
The game is finished!
- No, wait, it's not finished after all. Watch the cutscene. After that, you will be back on the street.
- Enter Café Rock.
- Pick up empty glass from one of the tables.
- Go back to the street.
- Go to the shady alley.
- Look sockets.
- Enter Cyber Pizza.
- Try to use spatula with poster.
- Go back to the shady alley.
- Unplug sockets.
- Enter Cyber Pizza.
- Use flashlight.
- Use spatula with poster to get poster.
- Go back to the street and then immediately return to Cyber Pizza.
- Use poster with pizza man.
- Use size-gun with poster to get ticket.
- Use ticket with pizza man. Choose Bitter pirate's menu to get Mini Martoni, pepperoni pizza, and doughnut.
- Use size-gun with Mini Martoni to get Martoni.
- Use vodka with empty glass to get glass of vodka.
- Use Martoni with glass of vodka to get Martoni with vodka.
- Go back to Expensive Hotel. Watch the cutscene during which you will get bow tie.
Blue Moon
- Inside the car, look photographies.
- Look tits.
- Look writing.
- Outside Blue Moon, talk to really big man about everything.
- Use doughnut with really big man.
- Try to pick up chewing gum.
- Use spatula with chewing gum to get chewing gum.
- Look car.
- Try to use car.
- Use watch with car, you will automatically get membership card.
- Pick up cristal shards to get sharp glass.
- Use membership card with really big man.
- Use sharp glass with secret agent card to get passport photo and card withour photo (yes, it's really labelled like that!).
- Use chewing gum with passport photo to get sticky passport photo.
- Use sticky passport photo with membership card to get James Peris membership card.
- Use James Peris membership card with really big man.
- Look Espectáculo on stage.
- Talk to bartender about everything, taste the lizard liquor.
- After a weird cutscene you are in the toilet area. Use toilet.
- Pick up syringe.
- Pick up coin.
- Try to abrir door (yeah, it's really labelled like that!!!, but it means open in Spanish).
- Use spatula with door.
- Use screwdriver with door.
- Use sharp glass with door.
- Use James Peris membership card with door.
- Look sink.
- Use sink to get razor blade.
- Use razor blade with door.
- Try to use syringe with door.
- Use syringe with sink or use syringe with piss to get filled syringe.
- Use filled syringe with door.
- After a short cutscene, exit the toilet.
- Keep asking people in the club who stole your watch, keep doing that until a fight breaks out.
- Leave the club and go outside.
- Use coin with condoms vending machine to get condom.
- Talk to really big man and try to get your gun back. If you can't figure it out, the correct dialogue choices are: "I need my gun back", "Look, I have to bring the gun back to its owner", "He told me that he will kill the bartender if I don't give it back".
- Go back inside.
- Use gun.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Use hot air button.
- Use wrinkled CD with air vent to get disk.
- Use disk with CD player.
- Use CD player until you get to track 7.
- After clearing the snow, look or use intercom outside the mansion.
- Try to open door.
- Try to use watch with door.
- Open hood.
- Use watch with battery.
- Use watch with door.
- Go to the shed on the left side from the fountain.
- Use size-gun with dog.
- Use gun with dog.
- Leave the shed and go to the tennis court which is next to the mansion, behind the shed.
- Try to enter the tennis court.
- Watch the cutscene that follows, and go through the conversation after the cutscene.
- After the cutscene you are in the entrance hall of the mansion, and have a map of the mansion which helps navigating around.
- Pick up ancestral shield.
- Pick up medieval toy.
- Look painting for both of the paintings upstairs.
- Go to the dining room.
- After a brief cutscene, look painting.
- Pick up Eiffel tower from the table to get souvenir from Paris.
- Pick up papaya from the TV table.
- Look TV.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Talk to chef and use all dialogue options available. The goal is to raise the insult meter, but you don't know enough insults to win.
- Go to the library.
- Walk right to the library computer, use computer.
- Click books.
- Choose "Ingenious Insults" and you will automatically pick up book: Ingenious Insults.
- Look book: Ingenious Insults.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Talk to chef and keep insulting him until the insult meter goes all the way to the red.
- After the chef leaves, pick up paper from the fridge door.
- Look paper.
- Open fridge.
- Pick up cheese.
- Pick up liquid cream.
- Don't close fridge, pick up machete from the cutting board.
- Open cabinet near the fridge.
- Pick up pot.
- Open cabinet near the microwave.
- Pick up cereals to get turkey cereals.
- Go to the library.
- Walk right to the library computer, use computer.
- Click books.
- Choose "Cooking in France" and you will automatically pick up book: Cooking in France. As the cutscene shows, you can only carry one book at the time.
- Look book: Cooking in France.
- Take notes of the entry that you see, because if you pick up another book, you can no longer read this one, unless you pick it up again. The book reads as follows:
"How to prepare: PsichoCountry Vichysoisse with roquefort sauce.
This dish is intended for refined palate audience.
To prepare you need a big experience in the food handling and the world gastronomy. The ingredients needed for this amasing dish are a caribbean pineapple, papaya liquor, atlantic salmon. a lot of carrot, tomato, a rabbit, a slices of pepperoni and roquefort sauce.
Papaya liquor
Roquefort sauce"
The recipe.
- Walk right to the library computer, use computer.
- Click books.
- Choose "Sauces of the World: Roquefort" and you will automatically pick up book: Sauces of the World: Roquefort.
- Look book: Sauces of the World: Roquefort.
- Take notes of the entry that you see, because if you pick up another book, you can no longer read this one, unless you pick it up again. The book reads as follows:
"How to make roquefort sauce:
To elaborate a fine and tasty roquefort sauce we will need cream, roquefort cheese, and a handle of parsley. Then we will have to mix all of the ingredients and heat them up until they fuse. You can make it both in the oven and in the microwave."
Roquefort sauce recipe.
- Now you need to go all over the mansion and pick whatever is needed for the dinner.
- Go to the cinema.
- Use size-gun with screen.
- Push popcorn cart.
- Pick up butter.
- Go to the theater.
- Walk up on the stage. Wait until the magician pulls a rabbit out of his hat. (The items come randomised, so this could be a very long and very boring wait...)
- Pick up rabbit.
- Leave the theater and enter it again, you can simply click it on the map again.
- The theater is now a standup comedy club. Walk up on the stage. Use microphone. Have fun here for a while, and leave when you get bored. If you try to enter the theater again, the magician will be back.
- Go to gardener's room.
- Talk about everything.
- Go to housekeeper's room.
- Try to have a conversation, but Harry throws you out.
- Use size-gun with fountain.
- Go to the shed.
- Use turkey cereals with bowl.
- Pick up dog poop.
- Go to gardener's room.
- Talk about turkey roaming in the garden.
- Pick up clothes to get gardener's clothes.
- Pick up bush to get herbs.
- Pick up 'time machine' to get extrange cigarette.
- Go to housekeeper's room.
- Ask her why she thinks she's ugly. Harry throws you out again.
- Sabotage fountain.
- After automatically entering the tennis court area, pick up pineapple juice.
- Pick up glass.
- Enter the tennis court.
- Try to pick up fishing rod.
- Use ancestral shield.
- Pick up fishing rod.
- Try to exit the area.
- Try to walk to the machine.
- Walk along the edges of the tennis court, and use button when you reach it.
- Go to the shed.
- Use gardener's clothes with dog.
- Pick up tomatos to get tomato.
- Pick up carrots to get carrot.
- Go to the library.
- Use fishing rod with fish tank to get little fish.
- Go to the bathroom.
- Look or use swimming pool. Harry throws you out again.
- Go to the bathroom.
- Look Mar bathing. Harry throws you out again.
- Go to the bathroom.
- Use dog poop with swimming pool.
- Go to the disco.
- Try to enter the dancing competition under any name.
- Go to Harry's room.
- Abrir wardrobe (yeah, it's really labelled like that!!!, but it means open in Spanish).
- Pick up shoes to get ballroom shoes.
- Go to the disco. You will automatically try the dancing competition again.
- Go to the dining room.
- Use size-gun with ballroom shoes to get resized ballroom shoes.
- Use extrange cigarette with Harry's pack of cigarettes.
- Go to Mar's room.
- Open cabinet.
- Take something from cabinet to get sexy lingerie.
- Go to housekeeper's room.
- Talk about underwear set. If Harry throws you out again, put some more weed into his cigarettes or sabotage the fountain and try again.
- Pick up key. Harry comes again to throw you out.
- Go to the laundry.
- Use key with door.
- Enter the laundry room.
- Pick up clothes to get cloth.
- Pick up bleach.
- Go to the disco. You will automatically try the dancing competition again.
- Go to the library.
- Walk right to the library computer, use computer.
- Click books.
- Choose "Dance Techniques, Guide to Avoid Falling to the Ground" and you will automatically pick up book: Dance Techniques, Guide to Avoid Falling to the Ground.
- Look book: Dance Techniques, Guide to Avoid Falling to the Ground.
- Go to the disco. You will automatically try the dancing competition again. You will get bland liquor.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Look fridge.
- Use pot with stoves.
- Try to use pineapple juice with pot.
- Use size-gun with pineapple juice to get big pineapple juice.
- Use big pineapple juice with pot.
- Use butter with pot.
- Use empty glass with blender.
- Use papaya with blender.
- Use blender to get papaya juice.
- Use bland liquor with papaya juice to get papaya liquor.
- Use papaya liquor with pot.
- Try to use little fish with pot.
- Use size-gun with little fish to get salmon.
- Use salmon with pot.
- Use carrot with pot.
- Use tomato with pot.
- Use rabbit with pot.
- Use pepperoni pizza with pot.
- Use microwave.
- Use liquid cream with microwave.
- Use cheese with microwave.
- Use herbs with microwave, you will automatically get sauces of the world: Roquefort.
- Use sauces of the world: Roquefort with pot.
- Go to the dining room.
- Use bleach with cloth to get bleach-wet cloth.
- Use bleach-wet cloth with painting.
- Watch the cutscene. After it you will get old map.
- Look old map.
- Go to the shed.
- Pick up spade.
- Go to the tennis court.
- Look old map.
The X marks the place.
- Use spade with the "X" marks the place.
- You will automatically get a watch that functions as a compass. Use it to track down the treasure.
- Go to the shed.
- Try to use door.
- Use spade with door, and you will automatically enter the maze. Use the compass to navigate throught the maze.
- If you can't figure it out, here is the correct route: east, north, north, east, east, east, south. A momentary confusion occurs, after it go east (you will automatically get medallion), south, west.
- Climb up the ladder.
- Search in the darkness and touch soft thing.
- After a cutscene, a chase occurs. First choose whatever music you like, and then use the car remote controls to catch the intruder.
- If you can't figure it out, the correct controls are: middle lever two steps down, push the second red button in the lower row, and then the third red button in the upper row.
- Try to pick up card.
- Use fishing rod with card.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Talk to JK about everything. You will get Indian arrow if you do it successfully.
- Walk left and enter the school. Watch the cutscene.
- Talk to janitor about everything, especially try to tell jokes.
- Pick up advertisement from the bulletin board.
- Use advertisement with janitor to get photocopies authorization.
- Pick up dart above the trashcan.
- Go upstairs.
- Enter classroom A.
- Look 'Boobies' (a student in the front row).
- Talk to teacher, you can talk about everything for fun, but ask "teacher, do you have something in your pants or you really love teaching" to make him upset.
- Talk to teacher again, and keep harassing him with whatever discussions until Harry shows up. Choose whatever dialogue option you want to have Harry take the teacher out.
- Pick up keys to get high school keys.
- Enter classroom B.
- Talk to 'hot girl'.
- Talk to Bullseye, you can talk about everything for fun, but ask "teacher, I can't see" to make her upset. You will automatically get expulsion report.
- When she asks expulsion report back to sign it, use photocopies authorization with Bullseye to get signed authorization.
- Enter classroom C.
- Look Alvarito.
- Throw all sharp things at Alvarito. Use medieval toy with Alvarito. Use souvenir from Paris with Alvarito. Use machete with Alvarito. Use Indian arrow with Alvarito. Use dart with Alvarito.
- Talk to teacher, you can talk about everything for fun, but keep talking until "If you don't let me go, I'll fart!!" option appears, choose it to exit the classroom.
- Go downstairs.
- Use advertisement with janitor.
- Pick up key from the wall to get golden key.
- Use high school keys with principal's office.
- Use golden key with reinforced wardrobe.
- Leave the office and go to the corridor.
- After a short cutscene, look switch on the wall.
- Look door behind Harry.
- After a short cutscene, choose any dialogue option.
- Try to do anything, you will have diamond in the inventory after cutscene.
- Watch the cutscene.
- In the helicopter, choose any dialogue option.
- Use condom with Mar.
- Use fishing rod with diamond to get fishing rod with diamond.
- Use fishing rod with diamond with outside.
- Watch the cutscene.
The game is finished!
Well, almost anyway.
- After cutscenes and credit there will be a quiz that can raise the game score to unlock alternative game modes. If you did everything mentioned in the walkthrough, you should have 705 points to begin with. The target score is 1000 points, with each right answer giving 100 additional points, and each wrong answer subtracting 50.
Here are the correct answers to the quiz questions:
How much time does took James Peris to arrive to the laboratory from home?
- Two days.
What was the color of Mar Jane's trousers that she wore?
- Blue.
How many tables were there at Hard Rock?
- Three.
What is the name of the music composer of James Peris' game?
- Al Rodríguez.
What is the name of the neighbor who lives next door to James Peris?
- Bob.
How many menus are there in Cyber-Pizza?
- Five.
How many ingredients did you need for the dinner, as shown in the recipe?
- Nine.
What was the name of the animal that Peris keeps in the fish tank at home?
- Carlos.
How many times James Peris suspended his secret agent examination with success?
- Two.
What was the musical instrument that the London worker played?
- The harmonica.
What was the name of the last boyfriend of Café Rocks bartender?
- Bernard.
What was the prize at the dance contest?
- Tasteless liquor.
How many urinals were in the toilets at Bluemoon?
- Two.
How many trophy cups were in the living room of Mar Jane's mansion?
- Seven.
What was the name of what was for dinner in the recipe in Mar Jane's house?
- Psycho country vichyssoise with sauce Roquefort.
How many people were there inside Bluemoon without taking into account, of course, Peris?
- Five.
Why does Mr. Bond give a bow tie to James Peris?
- Because Mr.Bond retires.
How many crows were on the desert cactus?
- Three.
What was the name of Bluemoon's bartender?
- Ricky.
What was the name of the guy at the schoolyard?
- JK.
What was afraid of that guy who had really big ears in Hard Rock?
- The cockroaches.
What was the color of the car that was parked next to Bluemoon?
- Green.
What was shown in the picture which had the map of the clock of Mar Jane's grandfather?
- A skull on a book.
The game is finished!
For real this time.