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The Rail walkthrough

The Rail walkthrough


About this walkthrough

This is a complete walkthrough for The Rail.

Using this walkthrough will get you through the game with the least amount of time and wandering around, but may spoil the game and fun of exploring.

Items which can be picked up as inventory items and items which can be constructed by combining or using other items are written with bold text for emphasis.



- Ask all the questions you can when the dialogue with the terrorist, Kreisel, automatically begins.
- Watch the cutscene.
- Try to operate lift terminal.
- Open the locker to get a wrench.
- Use the wrench on the porthole to get a glass shard.
- Use the glass shard with laser barrier.
- Use the wrench on the machinery to sharpen it and get a sharpened wrench.
- Use the sharpened wrench on the hydraulic pipes.
- Walk through the door.

- Use the thermostat on the wall and set the heat to maximum.

- Use the sharpened wrench on Kreisel.
- Search Kreisel to get gloves and a communicator.
- Try to interact with holo screen.
- Try to interact with screen on the wall.
- Take tape from the the seat.
- Open locker to get a food bar.
- Open emergency locker to get thermal coolant gas.

Optimal solution:

- Use the communicator to talk to Boris. Try to persuade him to allow you to board the shuttle.
- If you can't figure it out, the correct conversation options are: diplomatic, diplomatic, appeal to his better nature.
- Interact with the bomb and set it to detonate one hour ahead of schedule.
- Try to exit through the door.
- Use thermal coolant gas on the door.
- Exit through the door.

- Take the cup to get a broken cup.
- Use tape on the broken cup to get a fixed cup.
- Use the fixed cup on leaking hydraulics to get a cup of water.
- Use the food bar on the cup of water to get a cup of 'food' paste.
- Use the cup of 'food' paste on crate.
- Push the crate.
- Operate lift terminal.

- Go to the airlock and interact with it.
- Talk to Boris about everything.

Alternative solution:

- Try to exit through the door.
- Use thermal coolant gas on the door.
- Exit through the door.

- Take the cup to get a broken cup.
- Use tape on the broken cup to get a fixed cup.
- Use the fixed cup on leaking hydraulics to get a cup of water.
- Use the food bar on the cup of water to get a cup of 'food' paste.
- Use the cup of 'food' paste on crate.
- Push the crate.
- Operate lift terminal.

- Go to the airlock and try to interact with it.
- Use the sharpened wrench on the loose panel.
- Use thermal coolant gas on the life support access.
- Interact with the airlock.

The ending (same for both solutions):

- Try to operate the control console.
- Open the panel.
- Use gloves on power conduit to get an empty power cell.
- Go through the hatch and return to the train.
- In the train, take the cable from the floor.
- Use the cable on the empty power cell to get a wired cell.
- Use the wired cell on the power supply on the wall to get a charged power cell.
- Return to the shuttle.
- Use the charged power cell on power conduit.
- Use the control console.
- Watch the cutscene and credits.

The game is finished!The game is finished!