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Copyright statement

Copyright statement

All material (text, images, videos) on this site is copyrighted, except when otherwise noted.


Text in the reviews, walkthroughs, and other articles is written by the author(s) of this site.

Images used with the texts are screenshots taken from games. The games are immaterial property of their owners, any images used on this site are used as visual quotations for purposes of reviewing/educating, as allowed by the legislation in Finland and other countries.

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You are free and welcome to link to any articles on this site as well as share them over social media and other channels.

You can also use parts of the text for the purpose of quotation, but copying entire reviews, walkthroughs, and other articles for use anywhere else without permission from the author(s) is forbidden.


If you have any questions about copyrights, or believe there is some material being used inappropriately, or want to ask permission to use material found on this site elsewhere, please use the contact form to send a message.