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Bear in Venice walkthrough

Bear in Venice walkthrough


About this walkthrough

This is a complete walkthrough for Bear in Venice.

Using this walkthrough will get you through the game with the least amount of time and wandering around, but may spoil the game and fun of exploring.

Items which can be picked up as inventory items and items which can be constructed by combining or using other items are written with bold text for emphasis.



- Walk right and enter the saloon.
- Talk to gondolier.
- Talk to bartender about everything.
- Exit the saloon.

- Talk to cop about everything.
- Return to the saloon.
- Take a dart from the dart board.
- Use dart on gondolier to get blood.
- Exit the saloon.

- Give blood to cop.
- Return to the saloon.
- Talk to gondolier.

The game is finished!The game is finished!